
Weightloss Journey - Week 12

8:00 AM

Outdoor Progress
June 18-24

Saturday was spend in family laziness. We spent the day at the park with a splish-splash for kids. Daddy took our daughter into the splish-splash and she HATED it! We think it was because the water was freezing cold. We rode the carousel for the first time with our daughter. She loved it! We spent the majority of the time playing on the playground and daddy taking her down all the slides. We had snacks and drinks we enjoyed before heading off to do some grocery shopping. Where we forgot the kiddy pool, we were going to buy. Thankfully, we did not pay for it. We ended the night with a homemade chicken and spinach pizza and a movie.

Sunday was spent celebrating our 5th Anniversary and Father’s Day. We began our day by going to church. The rest of the day was spent playing at home with the kids and having a bbq. We had a fresh salad from our garden. We gave the hubs his Father's Day Photo book (see review soon)! Which he loved! We exchanged gifts for our anniversary. I gave him two fishing lures and he gave me new camo Jammies that say "Look Like a LAdy, Shoot Like a Boss" and new lip gloss. We have a challenge for our anniversary gifts. We are not to go over $10 for each other for the first 10 years.Then it goes to $20 for the next 10 years and so on.  
Monday was spent around the house with mommy/daughter time as the hubs was having daddy/son time at camp.We played a bunch of learning games that baby thought was fun. We tried new foods and we tried on shoes. I finally figured out my daughter would scream bloody murder when yo tried shoes on her feet. She HAS to have socks on! I got some sit ups done with baby sitting on my feet. I completed 6 seconds of planks with a 20 pound baby on my back. I did my push ups with a giggling baby in my face trying to break my neck to make sure I was facing her. Today's work out was interesting to say the least.

Tuesday the guys came home. Daddy watched baby so I could do my exercises without her "help". We got the car unpacked from their camping trip and repacked for the hub's softball game. He plays for our church team. I love watching him play! He has an agility that just awes me. I wish I was half as nimble as him. He has struggled quite a bit during and after the games this season. He is still dealing with residual affects from the drunk driver hitting him a year ago.

Wednesday the hubs spent the morning nursing his pained body. I got outside with the kids and worked on the rock garden. I was able to get the rock border begun. I still need to get the concrete for the flat patio in the center of the garden and get a truck of small rocks to fill in around the flower plots. Slowly the garden is coming together.

Thursday we worked on the waterfall hill for the pond. This is something my hubs decided he wanted to do after ripping up the entire front yard for my rock garden. He is meticulously placing rocks into a pattern to cover this mound of dirt. When he is finished the flower pots will be encased with rocks. He wants to have flowers and dwarf grass growing. There will be a continuous water pump to agitating the water with a water fall coming off the bottom right rock into the pond. Gotta love that vision!

Friday was spent at the park with the kids. I think I do more of a workout at the park than at home. I push the swing, I climb the stairs, I run after run away baby, I walked a mile on the trails to get baby to sleep.  Mommy and Daddy were so exhausted that once our heads hit the pillow we did not move. Baby slept all night too!!!!!

Warm Wishes to You and Yours


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  1. I love your pictures! I really need to start taking more pictures! Lucy xx #TribalLove

    1. Thank You! I love taking pictures so much the hubs calls me camera head!

  2. Your rock garden and waterfall hill look fun to do! Looks like you had a good week. Setting a budget for anniversary gifts is a sound idea. It's more the thought rather than the monetary value that counts. I wish I was still agile to play any sport but for now, I'll just be a spectator! #bigpinklink

    1. The garden and waterfall are more of a project than we anticipated. When we got married we had no spare money so it worked to set a budget. I wish I could play sports still too. I miss playing on a team.

  3. I love the way you've combined your weight loss and fitness journey with a diary of your family events - it will be great for you to look back on. You sound like you're doing really well - keep up the good work! #stayClassyMama

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