
Dear Jeans, Please Fit!

11:00 AM

It is funny how one really bad angled photo taken in haste can mentally unwind all that you have worked so hard to do. I have been working for 12 weeks on losing weight. I know I have lost weight I can feel it and see it. However, during some weekend fun my hubs snapped a picture of me with our daughter. When I reviewed the pictures, I instantly started to well up in frustration. The picture made me look much bigger than I can see I am and know I am. I wanted to give up trying to lose weight right there. 

After some conversation about how the picture made me feel, my hubs made a dreaded suggestion..."Go try on your pre-pregnancy pants!" I dreaded it. I have not tried those pants on again after I could not get them past my thunderous thighs six months post-partum (which is the reason I started working out).

I nervously pulled those pants out of the back of my closet. I had just bought them before finding out I was pregnant. It had taken me six hard months of working out to lose the weight from my previous pregnancy to fit into those pants. I was so proud to be able to fit in those pants. They were snug but if I did not dry them in the drier, they fit nicely.

I hid in the other room and jammed my foot angrily into the hole and then the other. I knew I would not fit into those pants I had once worked so hard to fit into. I could see the scenario unfold in front of me when I told my hubs that they did not fit. We would talk about how I need to work harder and what things I would need to get rid of in my diet. Looks like I will only eat salads for the rest of my life.

Taking a deep breathe I braced myself for the disappointment and uttered…”Dear Pants, Please Fit” as I slide the pants right over my thighs! Over my butt! And easily buttoned them! I did not do a little wiggle to get them to fit just right. I did not have to struggle to put the button through the hole. I did not have muffin top! Astonishment!

I strutted into the bedroom like a woman who had something to prove. "They fit with room to spare!" I had to control my excitement as the baby had finally gone to sleep and I did not want to do that half hour routine all over again.

The supporting hubs that he is...smiled, nodded and said “twirl”. I did a slow turn around to show him all angles of my body fitting into those dreaded pants. Those pants mocked me for months from their hanger in the closet. Those pants that motivated me to get moving, those pants that I thought I would NEVER get back into.

My husband’s smile spread from his lips to his eyes, validation! The last 12 weeks have not been in vain. The pain, exhaustion, struggle and inability to move has been worth it. This moment I have been working towards. The moment when I can say, I did it! I made my first goal. I went from a size 26 jeans to a loose size 18.

I am not finished…as my next goal is to get to a consistent jean size 12/14. I have always been one who has struggled with her weight. I will always be a person who has to find a healthy balance and work very hard to maintain that balance. I still have a month left before my deadline I set for myself to finish this Weightloss Journey. I know when I see my diabetic dietitian she will be very impressed.

I know I am!

Warm Wishes to You and Yours

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Petite Pudding

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  1. Congratulations!! I'm so pleased for you. I loved the part where you said your OH's smile spread to his eyes. He sounds so supportive. I know how hard weight loss is and I'm still struggling. I just love food too much. Keep on going! Xx #triballove

  2. Aw congrats lovely...weight loss is hard anyway but after a baby it is so much harder. We need more energy from being tired...it doesn't really go hand in hand with exercise and super healthy eating. You sound like you're doing fab though, keep up the great work! Xx #triballove

  3. Congrats! A just reward for all your hard work!

  4. This post is amazing. It's so hard when you see those pictures (I have them too!) with bad camera angles. The proof is in the pudding though! Once those pants fit again your mood and outlook change, am I right? Keep it up and you'll reach your goal, I'm sure! #puddinglove

    1. I completely agree. Once I slid those pants on my mood did change.

  5. Aaah your husband's reaction is so lovely, he clearly adores you whatever your size but I bet he was really proud to see you achieve a goal (whatever goal that might be). Well done you xx #PuddingLove

    1. Thank you. The hubs is one of a kind. I am thankful for him everyday.

  6. Ah that must have been such a great feeling!
    I'm trying to lose weight at the moment too - I've lost quite a bit but am a few pounds away from my target - have been gaining and losing the same couple of pounds for months now! Good luck :)

    1. It is hard trying to get those last few pounds sometimes. I think there should be a special wand to zap away any mommy weight we gained during and after the kids are born!

  7. It was a picture a few years ago that convinced me is what time for a change. I haven't kept the full 50 pds off, but it was a great motivator #petitepudding

  8. Sometime our busy lives get in the way of getting those stubborn last pounds off. However any weight lost is a success. Good for you Jeremy!

  9. Yay congratulations that is fab news! You are doing such a good job. Just remember next time you get a photo you don't like that the camera adds at least 10lbs xx #PuddingLove

  10. Awesome! Good work!! I'm struggling too. No matter how well I eat, my weight doesn't move...not even an ounce!

  11. Perfect! I started cross fit with the same thing in mind. While not as dramatic I a less tired and stronger . My husband thinks I look better too! Not brave enough to try the jeans yet !

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