
Untold Stories of Motherhood

9:00 AM

You become pregnant and are excited to hear all the awesome stories by seasoned moms. They tell you all the wonderful milestones you will experience with you bundle of joy. What they don't tell you are the unflattering, embarrassing and unhappy moments as a new mom you will deal with. The sugar coated stories do not prepare you for a new reality of Motherhood.

I shall inform you of those new realities that become you new normal.

My suggestion to you is to grab a cup of your favorite beverage. Find a comfy place and read the Untold Stories They Don't Tell New Mothers posted at The Whatever Mom. The Whatever Mom A.K.A Roxanne is a Twin Mom, Blogger, Martini Lover and an all around awesome lady. Take a few moments more to yourself and gander around her site I guarantee you will find her "Whatever Goes" outlook on parenting refreshing.
 Warm Wishes to You and Yours


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  1. Oh there are SO many unflattering stories I could tell. Pregnancy and birth is not a glam time for me at least! #triballove

  2. I definitely wasn't prepared for the postpartum 'down periods', baby blues or whatever you want to call them, but I've come to realise just because some days it gets you down, it doesn't mean your a bad mum #KCACOLS

  3. It is always funny how much people sugar coat what having a new born is like. I try really hard not to do this because I think its important to get a glimpse as to what is like. #KCACOLS #TribalLove

  4. Oh, so true - I thought something must be wrong when Marianna was really little because everyone had kept going on about the wonderful newborn baby smell, and how how lovely it was. ...But except for those few lovely moments post-bath, Marianna's default smell was just a faint mix of wee and sick. Lol. x #KCACOLS

  5. Pregnancy and parenting can be a rough old gig but happily we do it! We all have out horror stories I suppose :) #KCACOLS

  6. Sometimes those are the best stories and the most wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing! #KCACOLS

  7. I have three kids and my youngest is about to turn three. Sometimes I get that baby itch and just remind myself of the not so sweet things about having a baby. Thanks for adding this to the SEASONAL BLOG HOP JOY!~*

  8. Great post. Really enjoyed reading it!

  9. Ah, yes, the stories do tend to be sugar coated! But then I think everyone reaches the point where pregnant women are asking them questions & realise it is a real dilemma how much accuracy you should provide! #stayclassymama

  10. Those stories are always sugar coated! Tell it how it is and own it! #FridayFrolics

  11. Yep - after four babies including twins I could (and maybe will) write an entire book on the scary realities. I swear the sugar coating threw my straight into depression after number one. Totally unprepared!


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