
The Para'Kito Mosquito Protection Wristband

8:00 AM

The Para'Kito mosquito protection wristband repels mosquitos with seven plant essential oils. The essential oils pellet is placed in the band for 15 days of mosquito protection.  The wristband comes with two pellets for a total 30 days of protection. The bracelet is safe for the whole family, pregnant women and young children. It is great for those suffering from allergies and skin sensitivities, as the pellet makes no contact with the skin. The wristband can be worn anywhere while enjoying outdoor activities. Another fact that I love about the Para'Kito wristband is that you can hand wash it in mild detergent between uses.

My family used the Para'Kito wristband for a month during many of our outdoor activities. We went camping, target shooting, kayaking, and to softball games. We also took walks and watched fireworks.
Since the Para'Kito wristband is child safe, I put it on my preschooler’s wrist while camping in the woods. I found it very refreshing no having to spray a horrible choke provoking bug repellant on him. We simply wrapped the bracelet around his wrist and velcroed the mosquito repellant in place. He was able to play longer during the humid bug infested times without being bit up. He did not have to endure repeated spray sessions of repellant to stay bite free.

Honest disclaimer moment: The Para'Kito wristband is intended for ages 3 and up. However, I was tired of my daughter being bit during one of our night walks. I wrapped the Para'Kito wristband around her ankle. This kept her from having the ability to put the wristband near her mouth. I cannot use spray repellants on her as she has very sensitive skin that breaks out from everything. She also has allergic reactions to most things. With the Para'Kito wristband, she did not break out nor did her allergies flare. I believe because the essential oil pellet does not touch the skin is the reason.

My husband used the Para'Kito wristband while playing a couple softball games for his church team. He primarily plays right-center or in the outfield for those who are not softball fans. The games are played during the evenings when it is muggy and bug infested. Usually he complains of being bitten alive while sweating in the heat. With the Para'Kito wristband, he said he was able to concentrate more on the game without having to swat at biting and buzzing bugs.

Like my daughter, I have skin sensitivities and was not affected by wearing the Para'Kito wristband. I wore it while fishing, swimming, and kayaking. I loved that while in the water the Para'Kito wristband was still effective in repelling the bugs. I also love that the wristband did not interfere with the wrist mobility I needed for these activities.

As an active family, we were all able to use the Para'Kito wristband. Nobody had an allergic reaction. We did not need a shower to clean off the repellant. Our activities were not hindered. The best part of the Para'Kito wristband is that it is comfortable; we all forgot we were wearing it.

I know you will love the Para'Kito mosquito protection wristband for your family too. However if I was to buy a product  from the Para'Kito for my infant I would buy the refillable clip. The clip can be attached to anything  so she would not be wearing it on her ankle. I could clip it to my daughter’s stroller or carrier instead of on her.

Para'Kito also offers a roll-on Gel on their website. Check out Para'Kito on Facebook Instagram and Twitter. You can also see their informational videos on YouTube.  The Para'Kito mosquito protection products can be purchased at specialty stores, as well as Whole Foods and ParaKito.com.
 Warm Wishes to You and Yours


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  1. I didn't even know these things existed! Such a good idea, as I get mauled over summer by insects. Thanks for sharing. #tribe

  2. What a lovely post, it's so true! You never know what someone is going through until you are in their shoes. This is why I try not to judge anyone at anytime, even your closest friends could be going through something but they don't want to tell anyone. Thanks for sharing with #StayClassyMama!

  3. What a fab idea - I think I might get one for my Dad. He must be really tasty cos he always gets bitten to shreds! #triballove

  4. Great idea I am always bitten but they leave my hubby alone I have no idea why??? Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime 🎉

  5. This is such a great idea - I always get bitten and sometimes have really bad reactions to bites. I love that you don't have to worry about re-applying it or smelling awful because of insect spray. #ablogginggoodtime

  6. What a good idea, I work in a walled garden and mosquitos are everywhere at this time of year.
