
Recreating Creations

10:45 AM

Recreated Creations

Have you ever created something and then completely disliked the outcome? I did exactly that with the original painting above. I had originally painted the picture for my daughters nursery to match the bedding she has. I do not know why but when it was completed I just could not find any love for it. I am not one who just throws things out. I saw it as a challenge to rework this project until I could love it. 

I had the unloved painting. I had the revamped flowers from a project I did with my stepson. We had created the Popsicle bugs. Why not put them together!

The flowers were a dollar store purchase for $3.00. We had originally used the flowers to make a spring wreathe. The left over flowers we mixed and matched. We took the flowers apart and put them together as a whole new flower. We used garden wire from the dollar store to hold the flowers together. The centers were created with buttons and beads we had in our craft supplies.
To create the bugs we used... 
colored Popsicle sticks
pipe cleaners
pom poms
googly eyes

We folded the pipe cleaner in half and placed the Popsicle stick in the bend. Holding the pipe cleaner with a finger on the back side. Cross the pipe cleaner across the front of the Popsicle stick and tuck the tips around the Popsicle stick.
Now form the pipe cleaner into the wing shape you like.
Glue on googly eyes.
Glue on pom poms and beads as you like.

We Then arranged all our completed pieces on the painting to see where we wanted them affixed. Once the kids had the flowers and bugs where they wanted them, I used a punch and hammer to make holes into the painted picture. I affixed the bugs by threading pipe cleaners around them and into the punched holes. I secured the ends on the back of the painting with scotch tape. I affixed the flowers by pushing the garden wire that was attached to the back of the flowers into the punched holes. I also secured the wires on the back of the painting with scotch tape. To hang the finished project I punched two holes into the painting and thread dark blue ribbon in them. I tied knots at the ends of the ribbon and taped them with scotch tape to the backside of the painting.

Now that the project is finished I LOVE the painting. This is exactly what the painting was missing...kid character! I am so glad I could figure out a way to revamp this painting. I had spend many hours reworking that painting and never finding the right look for it. Before it was very bland and boring to me. Now it has character and a fun feel to it.
 Warm Wishes to You and Yours


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  1. Aww I think it's adorable! How crafty! I love been crafty with things, and buttons are one of my favourite things to make with! I made a button initial for babe when she was born and I love it!

    Lu xx


    1. I love the button initials! I made a wrapped ribbon initials fot my daughter.

  2. I love this! I really need to start doing more crafty stuff, I used to be quite good at drawing but I stopped after GCSE...#tribe

    1. I believe we should always find time for our passions. Draw lady draw.

  3. Really enjoyed the post and your ideas on how to revamp the picture. Especially love that you used things that you and your kids made together. My boy just turned two and I have been trying to get more adventurous about arts and crafts. Thanks for sharing! #TribalLove

    Also I voted for you!

    1. We used to do crafts just about everyday, but with school and summer crafts slow down till winter months. two is a great age to start crafting. Watching them explore is more fun that doing the craft.

  4. Love this! How creative, I am completely awful at crafty things - must get better before my little girl is a bit older! Lovely inspiration to revamp the picture #triballove

    1. I find going simple is the best way to start and build from there.

  5. I love your creativity and the bugs are lovely. Kid character is fabulous. TY for linking up to #FamilyFun 🎉

    1. Thank you. We love crafting in our home. I love some of the creative things kids come up with on their own.

  6. How fab that you found a way to revamp it so it works for you! I love the use of the bugs and flowers, both visually but also with the added textural element. Looks great! Thank you for sharing with #FamilyFun

    1. I like to try and put multiple elements together when I can. Makes things more interesting.

  7. I love this. I am not very crafty but I really wish I could be. xx

    thanks for shring with #stayclassy

    1. Being crafty can begin with a swirl line and end with a Popsicle flower. The great thing about crafting is there are NO RULES!!!

  8. Aw it looks lovely now! I'm glad you had a good time revamping the painting, sometimes it just needs a little extra love. ; ) Great way to spend time with the kids! Thanks for linking up with #StayClassy.

    1. They really enjoyed the crafting. My son creating and my daughter destroying.

  9. Yes, I have created things & then hated the finished product! I like the idea of reworking it. Love the flowers & insects - they're really vibrant and cute. #familyfun

    1. Thank you! The family enjoyed doing different crafts to make one big project.
