
Amelia's Crafty Corner

9:30 AM

Amelia’s Crafty Corner is a mom ran YouTube Channel. The host is an adorable 5 year old young lady named Amelia who creates simple preschool crafts. Each video is led by Amelia in her adorable British accent she explains which supplies will be needed for the craft. Amelia while being recorded by her mother(Emma) demonstrates each step to create the project.

Amelia recreates crafts she finds on the internet and she reviews craft kits she receives from companies through the mail. In an after school program Amelia's friends recreate her projects using her videos as an instructional guide.

Amelia and her mom began producing these great videos in February 2016. They are doing so well that they were recently interviewed on The Mustard Show. The Mustard Show is Norfolk England’s Magazine Program. 

 My son and I decided to recreate the Lolly-Pop  Stick Puzzle. We watched the step-by-step video      from Amelia's Crafty Corner.

 We collected the needed supplies:
 Popsicle sticks (big lolly sticks)
 Scotch tape (sellotape)
 Cookie cutter
 Marker (felt tip pen)

***Some of our supplies are called something different in the United States.

As directed by Amelia he layed out the needed number of Popsicle sticks and taped them together. 
My son then flipped the taped Popsicle sticks over.
He placed the cookie cutter on top of the Popsicle sticks and traced the inner space with a marker.
He then removed the cookie cutter and colored in the duck shape.
He then removed the tape on the backside of the Popsicle sticks.
I shuffled the sticks and had my son put them back in order.

My 5 year old was able to easily follow Amelia's directions. We had played the video completely to make sure this was a project he wanted to do. I then restarted the video and stopped after each step was explained. My son had no problems following the simple directions.

The only step I did differently was writing numbers on the back side of the Popsicle sticks so we knew the order they went in case we forget what the picture is supposed to be later on.

We really enjoyed this project. We are going to be making a few more of her crafts. Amelia's Crafty Corner can be found on Twitter and videos can be found on YouTube. Check out the videos and have a crafting fun time with the kiddos.
 Warm Wishes to You and Yours


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  1. Awww what a cute tutorial. I have never seen Amelia's Crafty Corner before but it is fab. What a brilliant idea and Amelia is really great at presenting it! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

  2. This is so adorable! My son loves toy review videos so I bet he would like these as well. Thanks for sharing! #KCACOLS

  3. ah I've seen this done before and it is brilliant! def something id want to try with my niece who is 6 #KCACOLS

  4. What a great video! Will check out some on YouTube :) #KCACOLS

  5. This is a great and fun activity to do! I like it when the video tutorial is easy enough for the kids to follow. My kids love watching these videos and making things on their own too. Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink

  6. These video tutorials sound great - think I may have to pop over to youtube and take a look. My son is just starting to settle long enough to enjoy an easy craft! Thanks for sharing with #PuddingLove
