Weightloss Journey - Week 8
9:42 AM![]() |
Observations |
May 21-27
Saturday was a day of catching up from having my mouth worked on. I had my nephews over to help watch my daughter so I could do some major catching up on the many projects that had piled in. I did no exercising as my body was drained.
Sunday was a day of freshness. My daughter slept the night before from 7:30 pm to 3:30am. I did a quick change and she was back to bed in a half hour. She slept until 7:00 am. Oh, Lord let this be a pattern! We had breakfast of cheerios; a simple French Vanilla Protein Shake and daddy had coffee. We dressed and headed to church. The afternoon was nice as the baby had fallen asleep in the nursery at church and stayed asleep for her nap. Mommy and daddy got to spend some quiet time alone and plan baby’s 1st Birthday Party (Hint Hint…Post coming soon). The day came to a close after picking up my stepson and having a small bbq for dinner. We watched a family movie and got ready for the coming week.
Monday was a hot and hard day. We began our morning routine with daddy and stepson going to school while baby and mommy ate cheerios and a shake. I did some computer work while baby played with toys. Once everybody was home the fun began. We had lunch while I made a Rejuvenator Shake. I knew we were beginning our front yard projects. I want a rock garden for the large space between the road and the driveway. We are also making a new entrance way because when the ice melts or it rains hard our front room floods. Today we began digging and digging and digging. My arms, back, legs, stomach muscles and feet are throbbing and are on fire. I had an orange electrolyte drink to replenish my body with the nutrients it lost while sweating during the digging. The electrolyte drink tastes better than Gatorade and it has more vitamins and minerals in it my body needs without affecting my sugar levels. I wore myself out physically today and it felt good.
Tuesday was a WHY DID I DO THAT day! My body was completely stiff, it screamed in protest at everything I tried to do. I cried numerous times from the struggle of just moving my arms. My 17-pound daughter felt like she weighed 85 pounds. I cried picking up my coffee cup! When I say cry it is not as if I openly boo hoo hoo cry. It is more of a silent tormented internal scream while tears stream down my face uncontrollably. I have learnt to internalize my pain however, I just cannot get my eyes to cooperate. I know that working my muscles hard is a trigger for my Fibromyalgia to kick in and that I will be suffering later for what I do today. However, I must do these things to push my body to strengthen myself so I am not the mom on the sidelines.
Wednesday was a day of noticing changes in my body. I feel slightly better today after doing stretching, hot shower and TENS unit. I know people say I can see a change as soon as they try something new. I say this now after 3 weeks of starting my protein shakes and supplements. On a personal note, I have noticed more regularity in my bathroom duty (haha duty not doody) ok bathroom routine (Psst we are talking about doody). With all the medications and insulin I take, things get well…..bound up. Since taking the dietary supplement things are more regular and no more struggle to go even with kids pounding on the door or husbands walking in the bathroom. (Have you read my Mommy Potty Chaos post?) I feel less bloated, less crampy and less of that blah feeling from not going. Ok, enough about bathroom talk. Today was a good day overall. I had a pep in my step and nobody was bringing me down! La la la I’m walking in sunshine la la la..ok maybe that is going a lil far.
Thursday morning was a day of working outside with the gardening and digging more for the patio. I drank my electrolyte drink to keep myself hydrated. I spent the afternoon and evening in the house struggling to keep my blood sugar levels up. The a/c was on high and the house stayed at 80 degrees. It was 94 degrees outside and the humidity was awful.
Friday is the day that I am going to share with you where you can get a free sample of the awesome shakes I have been drinking. The shakes have given me more energy than I normally have and I can actually focus on tasks better. I believe in this product! This is why I am giving you the link to
Kickass Healthy Moms for their free samples. I have used the shakes for 2 weeks and have lost weight, gained energy, become more focused and as you can read from Wednesday more regular. Give it a try. Worst-case scenario, you got a free sample of a great tasting shake to try.
Warm Wishes to You and Yours
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Other Place to Find Me
Well done for sticking with the shakes! And great news that you are starting to notice some difference now. That gardening surely helped! Ouch! #Abrandnewday #triballove
ReplyDeleteWell done, it is great that you are starting to notice difference. I look forward to reading your next update :-)
ReplyDeleteWell done to you. Especially now you can see a difference in yourself, it tends to make me want to do more! My husband and I have been healthy eating with exercising since Jan and between us we have lost 4 stone! We started to feel as if we have peaked but actually seeing our weight loss has made a big difference with our motivation. Good luck with the rest of your journey. #PuddingLove
ReplyDeleteAh well done you, its nice when you start to notice yourself! It always makes me more motivated! Here's to another good week!
Well done to you. I started a weightloss journey in January and unfortunately have let life get in the way rather than help me.... i really must get back on it. I feel for you with the digging..we're currently trying to plant up lol!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime #triballove
Glad you hear your shakes are working well in all aspects! I really need to start on my garden now the warmer weather is heading our way. Thanks for linking up to puddinglove
ReplyDeleteOh my she's sleeping until 3:30am!! DREAAAAMMMMM, like you actually had dreams lol : ). Oooo a new entrance way, sounds like the digging was a really good work out! It really helps when you stretch it out. Sounds like you are doing a fab job! Keep up the good work! Love reading about your journey. : ) Thanks for sharing with #StayClassy!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you are starting to notice a difference - keep up the good work. Hope the little one continues to get you up just once in the night, that extra few hours makes such a difference. Thanks for linking #PuddingLove