
Road to Dreamland

9:05 AM

I received a wonderful opportunity to review the cd Road to Dreamland by Jane Roman Pitt. I was blown away by her silky voice singing lullabies for all ages with a jazzy feel. I am a sucker for jazz! 

I put the player on and cranked the music while I cleaned. I have to say that though the music is set as lullabies they have such an uplifting feel to them. 

During the first song titled hit, the Road to Dreamland my 10 month old sat in the middle of the living room and began swaying to the music and waving at the player every time Jane sang bye bye. The music was so soothing to her she fell asleep where she sat. A personal Thank you to Jane for that!

Any fan of The Wizard of Oz will recognize Over The Rainbow, Before I insult all the Judy Garland fans out there...Jane brings a different feel to the song. The way the lyrics and music come together in this song is much different from the version we are used to. Jane gives this song a mellow and gentle feel to the song. I mean this is her lullaby Cd we are talking about.

My favorite song on the Road to Dreamland cd is Barefoot Floors. This song spoke to me as a mom. 

"love baby love has got me walking these barefoot floors….sleep the night till the mornings dew I will be here for you"...

What mom does not understand the late night walks around the house trying to get a restless baby to sleep?

Another song I favored was Nearness of  You. I love the saxophone solos and jazzy, jazzy, jazzy feel! I picture a long legged beauty in a shimmering red dress on a spotlight lit stage singing to a lover while slowly swaying with closed eyes as not to be distracted by her on looking audience.

I had the chance to ask the very talented Jane Roman Pitt a few questions about this wonderful collection of songs and of course a few others. 

Who is Jane Roman Pitt, where are you from?
I grew up in the Midwest, although I now live in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.

How did you get into music?
I was lucky enough to be born into a musical family. My parents were both good musicians, and there was always singing, playing, and recordings of all kinds playing in the house. It was just expected that my sister and I would start piano lessons at seven and explore other instruments later. I wish that all children had that environment to grow up in---it doesn’t take special skill or talent to make sure there is music in the air!

Where did you get your inspiration for Road to Dreamland?
I had recorded lullabies before---one traditional collection and one album of contemporary lullabies, “Midnight Lullaby,” recorded in Nashville a few years ago. Last year I realized that there was another group of songs I’d fallen in love with that could be lullabies, and it was time to get them out of my head and onto a CD. The smooth jazz style was a result of the great talents of the musicians who collaborated with me. 

Although I’ve loved lullabies for a long time, and was fascinated by the history of them (What’s the story behind “Rock A Bye Baby? One theory is that Native American mothers hung their babies in the trees while working!) I was inspired to do something about it when my grandchildren were born.

Why did you choose to make this specific type of Cd?
My experiment into non-traditional lullabies started a few years ago, before recording “Midnight Lullaby.” When I asked my grown son, who’d just become a new father, what he played for his baby daughter he said he played songs like Tom Waits “Midnight Lullaby” and Wilco’s “My Darling”---contemporary lullabies by current songwriters. It’s easier to sit and patiently rock a baby to sleep if you can listen to music that you already know and love. 

Which song is your favorite on this cd and why?
I loved each song for its unique qualities and message. When I think of my own children, I sing “I Wish” and usually cry while singing it. I love the old jazzy feel of “Hit the Road to Dreamland,” and like many people in the world, I think that “Over the Rainbow” is one of the best songs of all time and I felt honored to get to record it.

Where can we buy the cd?
Ladylullaby.comCDBaby, iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify.

Do you have other cds?
Yes, there are two others that are currently available. “Midnight Lullaby,” is another collection of contemporary lullabies recorded in Nashville, and “Peace of The River” is an album of original and standard jazz songs with an uplifting message.

What are the ways fans can find you? (social media, website, etc)
My website is ladylullaby.com, and Lady Lullaby on Facebook.

What do you want fans to know about you that cannot be found on your website?
I’m passionate about giving the gift of music to children---at home, in school, in the car, in lessons, etc. I think music is not only important, but is necessary to the normal growth of every child and adult---it can comfort, soothe, heal, uplift, energize, and help our brains to grow! It’s been with us since the beginning of time, and the more we know about it the more we can enjoy it.

Jane I truly enjoyed reviewing Road to Dreamland - Unexpected Lullabies for All Ages. I want to thank you for taking time to answer questions about yourself and the cd. 

You are welcome and because I am passionate about giving the gift of music, I want to gift a copy of the Road to Dreamland - Unexpected Lullabies for All Ages to one of your lucky readers. 

The Take-A-Way Tuesday starts at midnight on 5/31/16 and runs for 24 hours.

Other Places to Find Me
This Mum's Life
Two Tiny Hands
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

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  1. Wow, her voice is amazing and lovely to know more about her, behind the voice. I actually clicked on your link and had a listen. Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink

    1. I am glad you enjoyed Jane's music. She has an amazing voice.

  2. sounds lovely - i'm a jazz fan too. thanks for sharing this on #KCACOLS this week, hope to see you back next week :)

  3. Thank you for sharing, it is nice to find music children will enjoy. I loved playing lullaby for the kids when they were little. They still love music today! #KCACOLS

  4. I do love it when someone takes a song and puts a new spin on it. Jazzy lullabies! They obviously worked for your little one! #kcacols

  5. I've never been a fan of jazz really - it's probably the one type of music (apart from that shouty stuff) that I've never really taken to - but it sounds like this cd might change my opinion!? -#KCACOLS

