Experts Don't Know Sleep-My Guest Post

1:16 PM

As a new mom you have moments of crystal clear reality like you have never experienced before. Those moments are few and far between when in a sleep deprived fog.

During eight months of trying numerous sleep techniques for my daughter it became clear one final sleep deprived night that the Experts Don't Know Bleep About Sleep.

Check out my first Contributor Post on The Whatever Mom. You will find her "Whatever Goes" outlook on parenting refreshing. Roxanne is a Twin Mom, Blogger, Martini Lover and an all around awesome lady.
 Warm Wishes to You and Yours


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  1. This is very true. As far as I can see, baby sleep is an infinite mystery! Thanks for linking with #puddinglove

    1. It is certainly a mystery to me! With all the kids I have had in my care my daughter is the roughest!

  2. I'm in the same boat as you - my daughter has resisted all forms of sleep training. Some nights (albeit not most nights) she sleeps fine and only wakes up once or twice. Other night she wakes up every 2 hours and needs me to settle her. She almost always wants to pull on my hair while she's falling asleep. I've given up - when she's ready to sleep, she'll sleep. #PuddingLove

    1. My daughter does the same thing. What is with the hair pulling!?!

  3. I'm really lucky that both of my kids are really good sleepers- so far anyway- my boy is only 11.5 weeks. Please don't hate me haha! xx #puddinglove

  4. As a mum to an 11 weeker I feel your pain. I'm really hoping she gets there soon! In fact I've just put her down for a nap and waiting for the screaming to commence #stayclassy

  5. It's no fun being sleep deprived and being told there's a magic solution can only create the sense of personal failure when it doesn't work.

    Thanks for sharing your pain. I'm sure it will reassure others they are not alone in their sleep addled struggle.


  6. It's no fun being sleep deprived and being told there's a magic solution can only create the sense of personal failure when it doesn't work.

    Thanks for sharing your pain. I'm sure it will reassure others they are not alone in their sleep addled struggle.


    1. You are completely right! I never realized it but it does make me feel like it is my failure she is not sleeping in a pattern. In the hospital and every where you see newborn advice everything is about you creating a pattern for your baby. When it doesn't happen you start feeling like you failed a little. However in the past month I have changed this view after a talk with the hubs. It is not my failure but her discovery of what she is going to do.

  7. Many mums share your pain. Every baby is different and no one is to blame. It might not seem like it but after a few years you sort of get a bit used to interrupted sleep and feel less like biting the head off anyone who speaks to you ;-) Keep going, you are doing great. #FamilyFun

    1. Oh bless you! You completely made me laugh at the reality of my reaction to others. Yes I have found a mantra I repeat many times a day! "This tooooo shall pass...breathe...breathe...breathe"

  8. Oh that sleep-deprived fog is so tough and it's hard when you try all the different techniques without success. Great guest post and so very true. Hope you manage to get some more sleep soon. Thanks for linking up to #FamilyFun :-)

  9. I know nothing about sleep. I tried to follow the expert advice but in the end we just found our own way, or rather didn't! TY for linking up to #FamilyFun 🎉

    1. Aww I bet it is hard for your son to find a "pattern". I do pray you do get some sleep at some point!

  10. very true at this point we gave up on trying techniques and let her lead us!

  11. haha totally feel your pain and we are just about to hit it all again lol.
    Great post and i love your blog!!

    1. Oh my you are brave! Thank you. I looked over yours too. LOOOVE!

  12. In my opinion, sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. :) #fortheloveofblog

  13. Thought I'd commented on this before, such a great post - so true. I just laughed when someone told me about Gina ford's schedules, so ridiculous! You just have to get by and do what you can to make life easier for yourselves. My son sleeps for long periods but won't go 'down' until at least 11pm haha!! Fab post. Ellen

  14. Experts really don't know anything about most things, because every single baby is different! #KCACOLS

  15. YES. Could not have said it better myself. I have been trying E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G to get him to sleep through the night, have better naps, NONE of it works. He's just going to do what he wants to do. It has nothing to do with routine or whatever, will have to check out Whatever Goes, totally agree. Thanks for sharing with #StayClassy!

  16. The only person who really knows what their kids need are the parents - the experts can suggest or give some tips, but all kids are individual and they all do things their own way! Thanks for linking up for #PuddingLove great to have you again x

  17. This is a lovely idea, and I think it would be so beneficial to lots of other Mums who are struggling with sleep. We had a terrible time with the "4 month sleep regression" our little one was up every hour and awake between 2am - 4.30am every night for 2 to 3 months. I did a lot of reading in desperation and came to the conclusion that she did not know how to settle herself, so I did some sleep training and slow but surely it worked and she can now settle herself back. But all babies are different, and every parent's view of sleep training are different, what I learnt was that you need to do what works for you and your child, not what anyone imposes on you. Wishing you all the best with your guest series - I might share my 4 month sleep regression post with you, if that's ok. Thanks so much for joining our party at #fortheloveofBLOG, we hope you come back next week. Claire x

  18. Yes, yes yes!!!
    The experts can say whatever they want. They can spat all the recommendations, and they can tell me how babies 'should' sleep. The fact of the matter is, they don't know MY baby. They don't know that he needs Mommy to sing a song, the right song, right before bedtime or he won't sleep soundly. They don't know that he doesn't like sleeping on his tummy, and if he rolls in his sleep he WILL wake up. Now that he's in the midst of an angry tooth popping through, sleep is out the window. And I have tried EVERYTHING they suggest. And, like you said, they don't know bleep. Ha! Thanks for sharing <3 #KCACOLS

    1. Awww that is sweet that your baby needs you to sing before sleep

  19. hahaha! throat punched?! so funny! the way you described it is THE way it is... babies will do what babies want, when they want too.... I know its not funny, the reality of it.. but the way you wrote it is hilarious!! #kcacols

    1. Thank you. I had to put a light spin to the post...too serious turns readers off.

  20. I'm with you on this one! People telling you there's a magical cure for your baby's sleep 'problem' are normally talking rubbish! All babies are different, there is no one answer to help get them to sleep! x #KCACOLS

  21. Sleep is that big debate isn't it! I think what solves one's problem won't solve another's.... Everyone's different! But it's definitely a subject that we all read up on and try one thing after the next, with every new phase, wonder week and blip. Thanks for linking to #kcacols

  22. Being sleep deprived is just awful! Every child is different so different techniques probably need to be thought of. It's one of those mysteries of having children! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again this Sunday

    1. I think it is more of the lack of sleep for the parents that has the most affect.

  23. I was in such a fog with 3 babies that I don't even remember their sleep patterns. I'm just glad that now they are 4,5 and 6 and sleep through the night. Thanks for linking with #momsterslink and I apologize for the delay in commenting as I took a little hiatus from blogging. Do hope you will come link again sometime every Thurs-Sun!

    1. Oh MY!!! Three kids so close in age...its a wonder you got any sleep yourself. You will definitely see me at #momsterslink!
