
Ways to Help A Struggling Mom

9:00 AM

As a new mom you seem to loose who you are as all focus is on that cherub faced little bundle of joy. Life begins to pile up and feeling like you exist vanishes. Finding balance as a mom, wife and woman becomes a hard teeter-totter ride to endure alone.

I have personally experienced the simplest of gestures that made a world of difference in my day.  I wrote  Ways to Help A Struggling Mom because I think sometimes as we are try to struggle through our own balancing acts of life we forget others are too.

My suggestion to you is to grab a cup of your favorite beverage. Find a comfy place and read Ways to Help A Struggling Mom posted at The Whatever Mom. I also suggest that you take a few moments more to yourself and gander around her site. I guarantee you will find her "Whatever Goes" outlook on parenting refreshing. Roxanne is a Twin Mom, Blogger, Martini Lover and an all around awesome lady.
 Warm Wishes to You and Yours


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  1. Ooh I will have to go and check this out :-)

  2. Yes, a cup of tea, some cake, some quiet time and some reading will definitely be most effective. Thanks for the recommendation, I will pop over and have a look. #bigpinklink

  3. Oooo when I have more time I will look at these recommendations further. I love the 'kindfulness' vibe you have going on on your blog. #PuddingLove

  4. Will pop over and have a look - thanks for linking to #Puddinglove
